OpenCities Map Help

Start-Up Options

Interactive geospatial schema editing is done with the Geospatial Administrator (geospatialadmin.exe). This executable is found in ...\Program Files\OpenCities Map <product version>\OpenCities Map installation folder. You can specify which schema to open by using the -l option:

 geospatialadmin.exe -l=full_file_specification.xml

The executable can be run without the splash screen by adding -nosplash

geospatialadmin.exe -nosplash -l=full_file_specification.xml

In the same folder, you'll find geospatialadminCL.exe which provides the ability to generate (export) workspaces without a visible user interface. For convenience you can also make use of the recently opened file history in the "File" menu for quick access to previously opened schema files.

GeospatialAdminCL has a variety of options which can be reviewed with the following: GeospatialAdminCL /?




-quiet Suppresses all output when exporting the workspace -quiet
-culture Sets the culture/language -culture=cultureString
-verbose Set verbose message when exporting the workspace -verbose=true|false
-expand Expands variables when saving the XML file -expand=true|false
-executable Launch executable -executable=c:\bentley\MS\ustation.exe


Specifies an alternate configuration folder -wr=d:\projectABC\Configuration


Sets the root location for source files that are to be copied when the workspace is exported -bsd=c:\bentley\BaseSourceDir\


Sets the root location for source files (unicoded base sources directory) that are to be copied when the workspace is exported



Opens the specified XML file -l=d:\projectABC\ProjectABC.xml


Saves to the specified XML file. Same as Save As. -sa=d:\projectDEF\ProjectDEF.xml
-ld Import database -ld CommonOption (See below)
Common Options:



Access Options:
Oracle Options:
-ra Replaces the specified attribute -ra=original=Water;new=River
-rn Replaces specified node text -rn=original=PoleText;new=PoleAnnotation
-rp Replaces schema specific attributes -rp=original=geo-example;new=geo_example
-rw Replaces schema specific attributes -rw=original=geo-example;new=xfm_design
-sp Sets the schema name -sp=ProjectABC
-sw1 Sets the first workset name -sw1=GIS
-s Sets the schema name and first workset name -s=ProjectABC
-pp Sets the project parent path from the workset root. -pp=\Projects\Examples\Geospatial
-xe Exports all metadata and workset files -xe
-xa Exports all metadata -xa
-projectImport -projectImport
-advanceMenu Adds an Advanced Menu to the Tools menu -advancedMenu=True
-xmlencoding Sets encoding for exported xml files -xmlencoding=Unicode|utf8|utf7|ascii|defualt|bigendianunicode
-xc Copy file replacing shared strings -xc=sourceFile;DestinationFile

The options are case sensitive. The order of the options is important. For example, you must load the schema with -l before you can export it.


GeospatialAdminCL.exe -l=d:\projects\ProjectABC.xml -sa=d:\projects\ProjectXYZ.xml Saves ProjectABC.xml to ProjectXYZ.xml

GeospatialAdminCL.exe -l=d:\projects\ProjectXYZ.xml -sw1=Designer -xe Opens ProjectXYZ.xml, sets the first workset to Designer, and exports all metadata and workset files.